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Getting friends and family to understand you're disabled

Getting family and friends to understand you’re disabled

Getting Family and Friends to Understand You’re Disabled E very body is slightly different and will react to medications in different ways. What works for one person might be a horror show filled with unwanted side effects for someone else and there is no way of knowing until you try the medication The problem we […]

Feeling confident as a visibly disabled person

Feeling confident as a visibly disabled person

Feeling Confident as a Visabiliy Disabled Person T here is nothing quite like the first time you go out with a new mobility aid. ⁠It doesn’t matter if this is your first time using one or you’ve just upgraded from one type to another. The questions, stares and insecurities all come flooding in and leave […]

Ever wished you could have a chronic illness fairy godmother?

How to create a support system

How to Create a Support System C aring for a chronically ill bod is tiring, not to mention expensive, but what if there was a better way? People living with chronic illnesses need access to so many things, in fact you need a team of therapists, physios, occupational therapists, nutritionists and so many more. However, […]

How disability makes you a better employee

How disability makes you a better employee

How Disability Makes You A Better Employee N o really! If you remove the barriers to working, we actually make the best employees, here’s why!

Why traditional 9-5 doesn't work when you are disabled

Why traditional 9 to 5 doesn’t work when you’re disabled

Why Traditional 9-5 Doesn’t Work When You Are Disabled D ue to various barriers to entering the workforce, and staying there once you’re in, disabled people are more likely to be unemployed or self-employed. Difficulties in accessing education is a massive part of this, but there are various other barriers to work that disabled people […]

Why disabled people have a rocky history with academia

Why disabled people have a rocky history with academia

Why Disabled People Have A Rocky History With Academia U nfortunately, when it comes to education, academic institutions often fail even the most basic tests in accessibility. Learning how to make education accessible for students (and educators) with a whole range of disabilities should be an ongoing priority for schools, colleges and universities, but it […]

Caption This

WHY IS ACCESSIBILITY ALWAYS LEFT TO THOSE THAT DON’T HAVE THE ENERGY TO DO IT??? If you haven’t been watching my stories you won’t yet of seen caption gate. While making my first IGTV video I came up against issues that those from the disabled community always face. Access it seems is something only we care about […]

All Things Access

I have a confession to make, I still worry about getting access needs wrong, so it’s no wonder non disabled people can often feel completely out of their depth with this too.  Access is an incredibly personal thing and I am a true believer of the idea that you will never truly understand access issues […]