How to do anything as a person with chronic fatigue L iving with chronic fatigue should be a sport it’s such a monumental challenge, except it can’t be a sport because every single competitor would be too tired to turn up for the qualifying rounds, never mind the main event.
Disability History
Don’t really know about ADA? Or the equalities act in the UK? Maybe you are aware of them but don’t really know what they mean or how they came about.
Disability history isn’t taught in schools so how would you! But it’s important for us to know these things so that we understand our history and how to improve on it. So welcome to your disability history lesson!
Stop hiring one Paralympian and calling it a day on disability representation
Stop hiring one Paralympian and calling it a day on disability representation L ook, no shade to the Paralympians, you are all great. However, just like with non-disabled people not everyone who’s disabled is born to be an athlete and – frankly – it sucks this is often the only disability representation that we […]
What it means to have disabled pride
What it means to have disabled pride A lot of people don’t get the importance of disabled pride. They often think we are glorifying something that shouldn’t talk about. Disability isn’t something to hide or feel embarrassed of and you aren’t alone.
Getting family and friends to understand you’re disabled
Getting Family and Friends to Understand You’re Disabled E very body is slightly different and will react to medications in different ways. What works for one person might be a horror show filled with unwanted side effects for someone else and there is no way of knowing until you try the medication The problem we […]
Feeling confident as a visibly disabled person
Feeling Confident as a Visabiliy Disabled Person T here is nothing quite like the first time you go out with a new mobility aid. It doesn’t matter if this is your first time using one or you’ve just upgraded from one type to another. The questions, stares and insecurities all come flooding in and leave […]
Why is lived experience so important?
Why Do I Resent The Healthy People In My Life? O r, you know, what the hell is it? I have to explain the importance of lived experiences so regularly I feel like every person who reads this blog (particularly those who aren’t in the disabled community themselves) needs to keep passing it on to […]
What is Medical Trauma?
What is Medical Trauma? M edical trauma is something you hear in the disabled community a lot but rarely do we talk about what counts as medical trauma – and I think you might be surprised to learn how much actually does! **Trigger warning for this post just because of the mention of medical trauma, […]
Why disabled people have a rocky history with academia
Why Disabled People Have A Rocky History With Academia U nfortunately, when it comes to education, academic institutions often fail even the most basic tests in accessibility. Learning how to make education accessible for students (and educators) with a whole range of disabilities should be an ongoing priority for schools, colleges and universities, but it […]
What is Emotional Labour
Why disabled people have a rocky history with academia Unfortunately, when it comes to education, academic institutions often fail even the most basic tests in accessibility. Learning how to make education accessible for students (and educators) with a whole range of disabilities should be an ongoing priority for schools, colleges and universities, but it seems […]