Text reads 'psych yourself up for 3 hours before going to the toilet" below a chilli is sitting on a sofa looks extremely uncomfortable saying 'i can hold it'

How to do anything as a person with chronic fatigue⁠

How to do anything as a person with chronic fatigue⁠ L iving with chronic fatigue should be a sport it’s such a monumental challenge, except it can’t be a sport because every single competitor would be too tired to turn up for the qualifying rounds, never mind the main event.

How to support a loved one through diagnosis

How to support a loved one through diagnosis

How to Support a Loved One Through Diagnosis I f you’ve been sent this blog by a loved one, the chances are you don’t really understand the diagnosis process and they want to help explain the complexities around diagnosis a bit better. If you’ve found this blog on your own then well done – you’ve […]

Why do the tests keep coming back normal?

Why do the tests keep coming back normal?

Why Do The Tests Keep Coming Back Normal? I magine you’re feeling unwell. You’ve waited and waited, the tests finally come back in and the receptionist cheerfully announces ‘they’re all clear, no follow up needed’. There is nothing more devastating than feeling your body at war with itself only to be told there is nothing […]

Will I ever get better?

Will I ever get better?

Will I Ever Get Better? I f you (or someone you love) are new to chronic illness, or still fighting for a diagnosis, this question has probably crossed your mind more than once. ⁠Even if you are a seasoned pro, that little voice can pipe up at the most inconvenient of times. Sadly, there is […]

Why do tablets not make me feel better?

Why do tablets not make me feel better?

Why Do The Tablets Not Make Me Feel Better? A h, the medication conundrum. ⁠ Before I became chronically ill I thought you went to the doctors, they diagnosed you, give you medication and then you get BETTER. ⁠In reality, there are a whole host of things that affect how well medication can help and […]

What is radical acceptance

What is radical acceptance?

What is Radical Acceptance? R adical acceptance sounds like the kind of new-age bull you might want to steer clear of, along with juice cleanses and ‘think yourself better’, but it’s not what you think. Before we talk about what radical acceptance really is, we need to highlight what it definitely isn’t! Radical acceptance is […]

Ever wished you could have a chronic illness fairy godmother?

How to create a support system

How to Create a Support System C aring for a chronically ill bod is tiring, not to mention expensive, but what if there was a better way? People living with chronic illnesses need access to so many things, in fact you need a team of therapists, physios, occupational therapists, nutritionists and so many more. However, […]

What is medical trauma

What is Medical Trauma?

What is Medical Trauma? M edical trauma is something you hear in the disabled community a lot but rarely do we talk about what counts as medical trauma – and I think you might be surprised to learn how much actually does! **Trigger warning for this post just because of the mention of medical trauma, […]

What are usable hours?

What Are Usable Hours And What Have They Got To Do With Chronic Illness?

What are Usable Hours and What Have They Got To Do With Chronic Illness? U sable hours is a way of explaining how fatigue affects your ability to do things. We all have the same number of hours in a day but for someone with fatigue, they only have a limited number in which they […]