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Getting friends and family to understand you're disabled

Getting family and friends to understand you’re disabled

Getting Family and Friends to Understand You’re Disabled E very body is slightly different and will react to medications in different ways. What works for one person might be a horror show filled with unwanted side effects for someone else and there is no way of knowing until you try the medication The problem we […]

Feeling confident as a visibly disabled person

Feeling confident as a visibly disabled person

Feeling Confident as a Visabiliy Disabled Person T here is nothing quite like the first time you go out with a new mobility aid. ⁠It doesn’t matter if this is your first time using one or you’ve just upgraded from one type to another. The questions, stares and insecurities all come flooding in and leave […]

walker makeover

Walker Makeover

Boring mobility aids should be a thing of the past! One of the first things I did when I got my walker was to pimp it but what I didn’t realise was what a difference it would make in the way people treated me. Instead of the awkward ‘what happened?’ they instead just complimented me […]