How to support a loved one through diagnosis

How to support a loved one through diagnosis

How to Support a Loved One Through Diagnosis I f you’ve been sent this blog by a loved one, the chances are you don’t really understand the diagnosis process and they want to help explain the complexities around diagnosis a bit better. If you’ve found this blog on your own then well done – you’ve […]

Getting friends and family to understand you're disabled

Getting family and friends to understand you’re disabled

Getting Family and Friends to Understand You’re Disabled E very body is slightly different and will react to medications in different ways. What works for one person might be a horror show filled with unwanted side effects for someone else and there is no way of knowing until you try the medication The problem we […]

What is emotional labour?

What is Emotional Labour

Why disabled people have a rocky history with academia Unfortunately, when it comes to education, academic institutions often fail even the most basic tests in accessibility. Learning how to make education accessible for students (and educators) with a whole range of disabilities should be an ongoing priority for schools, colleges and universities, but it seems […]

the handi book of love, lust and disability

The Handi Book of Love, Lust and Disability

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Ok so I have never really talked about sex on my page but it’s something I want to open up […]