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How I Outsourced My Life: Cleaning Edition

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Title: how i outsourced my life: cleaning edition. A cartoon woman is leaning over to scrub the floor

leaning is hard when you are chronically ill and has always been one of my biggest energy drains. Just one small task could land me in bed for a week and the worst thing was I would just be staring at all the mess as it piled up. I decided enough was enough and there had to be an easier way, which led me to learn some new tricks to keep on top of cleaning. In my latest Instagram post and newsletter, I mentioned that I’d be doing an in-depth review here on my blog, of all the products and tools I use with links to where to buy them. So read on to find out how to make cleaning more manageable!

'Prepping yourself' there is a person chugging water. Below the text says, 'giving your body the best chance to actually get through cleaning is almost as important as how you clean. Make sure you hydrate, wear compression socks and any other supports you need.

Cleaning The Shower

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I have managed to make this job one that only takes me 5 minutes but it relies heavily on having the right tools.

1) Tool One: Window Vaccum Cleaner

The first tool I use is the Window Vaccum Cleaner. It’s like a souped-up squeegee that sucks up all the water from the glass for a streak-free shine in minutes.

This one is lightweight and easy to handle, plus it holds the charge for ages.

Overhead arm movements tend to be a symptom trigger for me so I used it as a physio exercise and started out just doing it when I cleaned the shower.

I then worked up to using it after every shower to keep it cleaner for longer!

2) Tool Two: Electric Spin Scrubber

Next, I use my giant scrubber for the floor of the shower and any mouldy bits between the tiles.

This model is a little heavier than I would have liked but you literally only need a minute to scrub huge areas and it has changeable heads depending on what you are cleaning.

I also use this to clean the bath in 5 minutes!

3) Tool Three: HG Shield

Once you have actually managed to clean the shower, you of course want to keep it that way for as long as possible.

For that, I always use the window vacuum straight after I wash, and when I clean the shower I use HG shower shield, as it makes it a couple of extra weeks before I have to clean it again.

Hoovering and Mopping

I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a Robot Vacuum Cleaner and I am never going back.

Important tip: Just make sure you move all cables out of the way before you start it (or it will find them and they’ll get stuck in it!).

This one also has a mop attachment and honestly, my laminate floor has never been cleaner. It hoovers first and then mops. Utterly brilliant.

Other Products I Would Recommend

One of the other things that I found really helpful was using the right products for the job.

Product One: Elbow Grease

I always thought these products would be expensive but elbow grease is something you can pick up really cheaply and it does almost any job.

It brings my sink up to a lovely shine with only the effort of wiping it down.

It’s great with caked-on dirt too!

Product Two: Sonic Scrubber

For more fiddly jobs like cleaning your dishwasher or scrubbing the cat’s food bowl (how do they get it so caked in??), there is the sonic scrubber.

It’s handheld which is super convenient and takes all the effort out of trying to clean stubborn dirt.

Although it’s not realistic to try to blitz the house in one go with a chronic illness, I’ve definitely found that the above tools have helped me work around it and hopefully they can help you too.

If you’re looking for more cleaning tips, make sure you check out my top cleaning tricks in my most recent Instagram post!

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