Feeling confident as a visibly disabled person

Feeling confident as a visibly disabled person

Feeling Confident as a Visabiliy Disabled Person T here is nothing quite like the first time you go out with a new mobility aid. ⁠It doesn’t matter if this is your first time using one or you’ve just upgraded from one type to another. The questions, stares and insecurities all come flooding in and leave […]

Why is lived experience so important

Why is lived experience so important?

Why Do I Resent The Healthy People In My Life? O r, you know, what the hell is it? I have to explain the importance of lived experiences so regularly I feel like every person who reads this blog (particularly those who aren’t in the disabled community themselves) needs to keep passing it on to […]

my story has value

My story has value

My Story Has Value T his quote from Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette has always resonated with me but now more than ever: my story has value. When I launched the NYG membership I once again had the privilege to learn and listen to people’s stories of disability and chronic illness. Although our stories are similar, each […]

Ever wished you could have a chronic illness fairy godmother?

How to create a support system

How to Create a Support System C aring for a chronically ill bod is tiring, not to mention expensive, but what if there was a better way? People living with chronic illnesses need access to so many things, in fact you need a team of therapists, physios, occupational therapists, nutritionists and so many more. However, […]