What it means to have disabled pride
lot of people don't get the importance of disabled pride. They often think we are glorifying something that shouldn't talk about. Disability isn't something to hide or feel embarrassed of and you aren't alone.
So, why is it so important?
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It changes perceptions of disability. In the media, being disabled is something you pity. As a result, many people don’t understand that disability doesn’t mean you don’t have a life. They think disability is one of the worst things that can happen to you.
Disabled pride is the antidote to this. It shows the world, and especially the newly disabled, that disability isn’t a bad thing. Disabled pride doesn’t gloss over the hard parts of disability but it isn’t the worst thing either. By understanding what disability is really like we can remove barriers. By acknowledging and celebrating disabled experiences positive changes will follow.
There is a whole underground culture and community surrounding disability. And, just like any identity, we have our own history and important figures who are pretty damn cool (hello Frida Kahlo, Stevie Wonder, and Vincent van Gogh, to name a few!).
Disabled pride as a source of support
It was the disabled community that taught me what disability meant. They gave me the blueprint for a life that included my disability and didn’t see it as an obstacle. They helped me to accept my new identity and in the end learn to love it. I learned that conversations about disability didn’t have to centre pity or inspiration. I could actually talk about both the negatives and positives. This is why discussions about disability and disabled access must include disabled people. Otherwise you miss half the story.
Disabled pride empowered me to live a life on my own terms that weren’t restricted by what society thought of me. The media still perpetuate damaging and outdated stereotypes about disability. Disabled pride taught me I could enjoy my life with my disabilities, not in spite of them.
Disability Pride = Empowerment
Now I use my disabled pride to empower others to feel good about their disability. It won’t always be easy, but like all good things in life it’ll get easier with practise.
By embrtacing disability pride we it easier for others to embrace it too.
It’s a growing cycle of kindness and empowerment.
I’m proud to call myself disabled. How about you?
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